Finding the Perfect Gift

Finding the perfect gift is never easy. For me, the best way to get the perfect gift for that special someone is to keep a list about them. Anytime they mention something they like, want or need, add it to the list. You’ll be surprised at how quickly the lists build. And when you’d like to buy them a gift you have the perfect resource!

A lot of people (in my life anyway) don’t like to spend money on themselves. So you’d be surprised at how long they may mention something for because they don’t or can’t justify getting it for themselves. So even something they mention in January they may still want by their birthday or Christmas.

I’ve always used Trello for my lists, it’s available on all my devices and it’s quick and easy to hop into and add a note.

I have a list for each person in my life I generally buy gifts for, as well as a General list for those sites, experiences or things you come across that you just don’t know who or what occasion they would be perfect for just yet.